Our Services


Experience has shown that international billing packages are complex and expensive to buy, operate and support. Whilst they provide a high level of functionality, much of it is either inappropriate, or difficult to apply in the local and regional operating environment. Also the high level of dependence on overseas suppliers means that there are invariable high costs and poor responses to support.

Given these factors Ibis Systems Limited decided, in 1999, to develop billing and information systems. The key requirements were for the systems to be:

  • Locally owned and supported
  • Based on an easy to implement modular design
  • Relevant and scaleable functionality
  • Easy to use and manage
  • Affordable.

Ibis Software Modules

Ibis products are GUI based modular in design and built around a core module. There is seamless integration of “addon” modules to the core, which include medical property and utility modules.

CORE module for initial system setup, system management and administration such as user defined setup and user access, passwords etc. This module also includes the registration and maintenance of customer accounts, invoicing, statements and cash receipting as well as enquiries and reports.

The other modules can be found below:

Key IBIS Features

  • Windows-based application that has a consistent look and feel that makes it easy for the users to learn and use, and incorporates full Graphical User Interface (GUI) features and Microsoft standards. The systems integrate with Microsoft office products such as Excel.
  • Modular based : You buy only the modules you need at the moment, rather than the entire application suite. You can choose to buy additional modules later
  • Scalable product that can be implemented as a single user system or in a multi-user network environment. This allows your organisation to choose and implement the system in the most effective and affordable manner.
  • On-Line help is available throughout the systems. This, together with comprehensive documentation, telephone and e-mail support makes it easy for existing and new employees to use IBIS products on a day to day basis. This enables your employees to be more efficient and productive.
  • IBIS software’s keeps an audit trail of all the records/transactions created and amended, with a date and time-stamp as well as the user responsible. This ensures that transaction problems or disputes can be traced to the data entry level.
  • Control features are embedded in the security of the systems’, such that users can have pre-defined control over input data, processed data, output data as well as printers and spreadsheet interfaces.